Privacy Policy

Murakami Seed Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") recognizes the importance of personal information and, in compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as "the Personal Information Protection Act"), other relevant laws, and guidelines concerning the Personal Information Protection Act, establishes the following Privacy Policy to ensure proper handling of personal information.

Article 1 (Definitions)

The terms used in this Privacy Policy are defined as follows:
① Personal Information
Refers to information about a living individual that can identify a specific individual by name, date of birth, or other descriptions contained therein (including information that can be easily cross-referenced with other information to identify a specific individual) or information that contains personal identification codes.
② Personal Identification Code
Refers to characters, numbers, symbols, or other codes specified in the Enforcement Order of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information that can identify a specific individual from that information alone.
③ Sensitive Personal Information
Refers to information such as race, creed, social status, medical history, criminal record, and other information specified in the Personal Information Protection Act that requires special care to prevent unfair discrimination, prejudice, or other disadvantages.
④ Personal Information Database, etc.
Refers to a collection of information containing personal information that is systematically organized to allow search using a computer, or information that is organized and classified according to certain rules to allow easy search of specific personal information by attaching indexes, codes, or other means, and that can be easily searched by others.
⑤ Personal Data
Refers to personal information that constitutes part of a personal information database, etc.
⑥ Disclosure, etc.
Refers to all actions including disclosure (including disclosure of records provided to third parties), correction, addition or deletion of content, suspension of use, erasure, and suspension of provision to third parties upon request from the individual or their representative.
⑦ Retained Personal Data
Refers to personal data over which the Company has the authority to disclose, etc.

Article 2 (Acquisition of Personal Information)

The Company shall collect and acquire personal information by lawful and appropriate means in accordance with laws and regulations and shall not collect or acquire personal information by false or fraudulent means.

Article 3 (Acquisition of Sensitive Personal Information)

The Company shall not acquire sensitive personal information without prior consent from the individual, except in cases permitted by the Personal Information Protection Act.

Article 4 (Purpose of Use of Personal Information)

The Company shall use personal information for the following purposes:
・For shipping products and providing related after-sales services in the flower farming business.
・For advertising new products and services tailored to hobbies and preferences through the analysis of browsing history and purchase history.

Article 5 (Change of Purpose of Use)

The Company may change the purpose of use within a reasonable scope that is related to the purpose of use before the change. In such cases, the Company will promptly announce the changed purpose of use on this website.

Article 6 (Accuracy of Data Content, etc.)

The Company shall keep personal data accurate and up-to-date within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use, and shall strive to delete such personal data without delay when it is no longer necessary to use it.

Article 7 (Security Management Measures)

The Company shall take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal data and ensure the safe management of personal data. When handling personal data by employees, the Company shall conduct necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure the safe management of such personal data.

Article 8 (Supervision of Contractors)

When the Company outsources the handling of personal data, it shall select appropriate contractors, enter into contracts that allow reasonable understanding of the status of personal data handling by the contractor, and supervise the contractor to ensure the safe management of the outsourced personal data by conducting periodic audits and other methods.

Article 9 (Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties)

The Company shall not provide personal data to third parties without prior consent from the individual, except in cases permitted by the Personal Information Protection Act.

Article 10 (Matters Related to Retained Personal Data)

The provisions regarding retained personal data are as follows:
① Name and address of the personal information handling business operator and name of the representative
  Murakami Seed Co., Ltd.
  341 Ōta-machi, Kasama, Ibaraki 309-1738 Japan
  Representative Director & President: Tadayoshi Murakami
② Purpose of use of retained personal data
For shipping products and providing related after-sales services in the flower farming business.
③ Procedures for requesting notification or disclosure, etc. of the purpose of use of retained personal data
Please contact the following office.
④ Measures taken to ensure the safe management of retained personal data
 ⓐ Formulation of Basic Policies
 The Company has formulated this Privacy Policy, which includes compliance with relevant laws and guidelines and provides a contact point for inquiries and complaints to ensure the proper handling of personal data.
 ⓑ Establishment of Rules Regarding the Handling of Personal Data
 The Company has established rules for handling personal data at each stage of acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion, and disposal, including handling methods, responsible persons, and duties.
 ⓒ Organizational Security Management Measures
 The Company has appointed a person responsible for handling personal data, clarified the scope of personal data handled by employees, and established a reporting and communication system to the responsible person in case of violations of laws or handling rules. 。
 ⓓ Personnel Security Management Measures
 The Company provides regular training for employees on matters to be considered when handling personal data.
 ⓔ Physical Security Management Measures
 The Company manages the entry and exit of employees in areas where personal data is handled and restricts the equipment brought in, as well as takes measures to prevent unauthorized persons from viewing personal data.
 ⓕ Technical Security Management Measures
 The Company has implemented systems to protect information systems handling personal data from unauthorized access and malicious software.
 ⓖ Understanding of External Environments
 The Company implements security management measures based on an understanding of the personal information protection system in the country where personal data is stored.
⑤ Contact point for complaints regarding the handling of retained personal data
Please contact the following office.

Article 12 (Contact Information)

For inquiries, complaints, or requests regarding the handling of personal data or disclosure, etc., please contact the following office:

341 Ōta-machi, Kasama, Ibaraki 309-1738 Japan
Murakami Seed Co., Ltd.

Article 13(Cookie)

The Company uses browsing history and analysis results collected by cookie from data management platforms operated by third parties and links this information to the customer’s personal data for purposes such as delivering advertisements.
Cookie are text files that store browsing data and input content on the customer's browser.
The Company uses cookie with the customer's consent.
If you do not wish to use cookie, you can disable them in your browser settings. However, please note that if cookie are disabled, some or all of the services on the Company’s website may not be available.